- Accident (Road Accident) at Awagome , Plateaux Region of Togo on 2025/03/24
- Accident (Road Accident) at Atakpamé , Plateaux Region of Togo on 2025-03-24
- Accident (Road Accident) at Awagome, Plateaux Region of Togo on 18/03/2025
- Homicide (Murder) at Quartier Abattoirs, Kaolack Region of Senegal on 2025-03-18
- Disaster (Manmade / Natural) (Rainstorm) at Kissidougou, Faranah Region of Guinea on 2025-03-16
- Homicide (Homicide, including attempt) at Hêvié , Abomey-Calavi of Benin on 02/03/2025
- Drug Trafficking (Trafficking of Indian hermp/ weed) at Parcelles assainies, Dakar Region of Senegal on 2025-03-18
- Accident (Road Accident) at Ahepe, Maritime Region of Togo on 2025-03-27
- Arrest/Detention (Custody) at Buba, Quinara Region of Guinea Bissau on 2025-03-20
- Terrorism (Terrorist related armed attacks) at Diangounté Camara , Kayes Region of Mali on 2025-03-21
- Armed Attack (Armed Aggression) at Yirimadio commune 6 de Bamako , Bamako Capital District of Mali on 2025-03-19
- Armed Attack (Others) at Nossombougou, Koulikoro Region of Mali on 2025-03-18
- Demonstration(Peaceful / Violent) (Others) at Quinhamel , Biombo Region of Guinea Bissau on 2025-03-12
- Accident (Road Accident) at Lendem na secção de Encheia setor de Bissorã, Oio Region of Guinea Bissau on 2025-03-14
- Accident (Boat Accident) at Kafountine, Ziguinchor Region of Senegal on 2025-03-16
- Migration (Illegal migration) at Mbodiène, Thiès Region of Senegal on 2025-03-16
- Drug Trafficking (Trafficking of Indian hermp/ weed) at Conakry, Conakry Region of Guinea on
- Accident (Road Accident) at Dubréka, Kindia Region of Guinea on
- Drug Trafficking (Trafficking of Indian hermp/ weed) at Dakar, Dakar Region of Senegal on 2025-03-14
- Disaster (Manmade / Natural) (Others) at Yeumbeul, Dakar Region of Senegal on 2025-03-15